Reminder to 0bama and Holder Employees

COMPUTER TRESPASS---RCW 9A.52.110---Computer trespass in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of computer trespass in the first degree if the person, without authorization, intentionally gains access to a computer system or electronic database of another; and (a) The access is made with the intent to commit another crime; or (b) The violation involves a computer or database maintained by a government agency.

(2) Computer trespass in the first degree is a class C felony.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Friendships Made In Heaven"

This is a variation of a story told many times among the heavenly beings. You may recognize the story in your own life.

Once upon a time, in the celestial center of heaven, while the animals of heaven were making cloud-animals, much to the delight of many children living on earth, The Great Master was checking the Book of the Living and realized that there was a friendship missing on earth. The Great Master had set in motion the beginnings of a friendship, but the people involved were not cooperating to the extent He wished. So, He decided to remedy that situation with the help of one of the heavenly animals.

The Great Master called His Scribe and His Number One Angel together to discuss the situation. After much discussion about personality types, educational background, and philosophies, it was decided that the one characteristic the people involved shared was a love of dogs. So, The Great Master sent His Scribe and His Number One Angel over to the heavenly cloud-field to locate a dog willing to leave heaven and be placed on earth for a time.

At the edge of the cloud-field, The Scribe and The Number One Angel watched as the heavenly animals played with the clouds and formed their cloud-animals. The Scribe and The Number One Angel stood watching and waiting. The Great Master had already told them that one of the heavenly dogs would volunteer as soon as he saw them standing there. Suddenly, from behind a huge cloud-dog, a beautiful blond curly head shot up and looked across the field to where The Scribe and The Number One Angel stood. The owner of that beautiful blond curly head was "Cocker" a buff colored animal people on earth called a "Cocker Spaniel." His long silky fur was beyond description. Every hair was in place. Covering his legs was the softest flowing silky hair shimmering in the soft glow of heaven as he came prancing over to where The Scribe and The Number One Angel waited.

"Cocker" looked at both of the messengers from The Great Master and quietly asked, "What's the assignment?" The Scribe opened the Book of the Living and turned to the page where the story began. "Cocker" looked at a few pages and nodded his head, then followed obediently behind The Scribe and The Number One Angel as they lead the way to The Great Master.

In the celestial center of heaven, where the great throne sits, The Scribe and The Number One Messenger Angel took their places beside The Great Master leaving "Cocker" standing alone before The Great Master. "Cocker's" brown eyes looked intently into the eyes of The Great Master, waiting for His command. The Scribe deftly handed The Book of the Living to The Great Master whose gaze left "Cocker" and fell on the last page that "Cocker" had read. The Great Master asked, "Don't you want to look at the rest of the story?" "Cocker" gazed trustingly at The Great Master. "Sir," he said, "I trust You with my very life." "And well it shall be," was the answer from The Great Master.

To prepare for the trip to earth, the cherubs played with "Cocker's" hair, tying it in knots. "Cocker" had to quit eating so he'd appear thin and gaunt. Finally, the day came for him to enter earth. A light mist came down from heaven and when no one was watching, out slipped a little buff colored Cocker Spaniel looking bedraggle and hungry.

For nearly two months, "Cocker" walked up and down near the church where he'd been placed. He was beginning to wonder when the earth-people would take pity on him and if The Great Master had another plan in place when, finally, an earth-person came and put him in her car.

The beginning of the middle part of this story has been told time and time again: How "Cocker" came to live with the one earth-person The Great Master chose and then how "Cocker" went to stay with the second earth-person The Great Master chose. Life was good for "Cocker" and he enjoyed every minute he was on earth with "his" earth-people. (Well, other than the little trip to the vet where his manhood was removed.)

Up in the celestial center of heaven, The Scribe and The Number One Angel were beckoned by The Great Master. "How's the friendship coming?" He asked, already well aware of what was occurring on earth. The Scribe replied, "You know, Great Master." The Number One Angel echoed The Scribe, "You know, Great Master." "Then, I shall turn to the next page, the one which "Cocker" did not read because he trusts Me." The Scribe turned to look at The Number One Angel and saw his own eyes reflected in the other. "But Great Master!" they said in unison. "And well it shall be" were the only words they heard echoed throughout the halls of heaven.

If you've read this 'blog' you know the middle of the middle part of this story and the many tears which accompanied it. There was the sound of a "thud" and then . . . .

"Cocker" suddenly found himself sitting next to The Great Master. "Great Master," he said, turning his groomed face to see His Master, "what happened? The last thing I recall is hearing my second earth-person call me by my earth-name." "You didn't want to read that part of the story in The Book of the Living, remember?" asked The Great Master. "Because I trust you with my life!" exclaimed "Cocker."

The Scribe, who had pulled aside a cloud to see what was occurring on earth right at that moment, inhaled saying "oh!" "What is it?" asked "Cocker." "May I look?" he asked The Great Master. The Great Master pulled aside the blanket of heaven so that "Cocker" could gaze at the earth below. "OH, Great Master! Please, she's crying over . . . THAT was MY body on earth?? What happened to my hair??" asked "Cocker" with a quick twist of his perfectly groomed, curly head towards The Great Master and a look of shock on his face. The Great Master smiled at "Cocker" who bowed his head in obeisance to His Master. "Cocker" was glad to be back in the heavenly realm and with his heavenly body intact. With the glory of The Great Master shimmering in his silken hair, "Cocker" knew he would miss his earth-people as much as they were missing him.

The story doesn't end here. The end of the middle of this story is still unfolding in the lives of those "Cocker" loved during his short stay on earth. The Great Master will occasionally pull aside the blanket of heaven so that "Cocker" can see the friendships he helped bond. And "Cocker" knows that one day, his earth-people will be reunited with him and will understand why he was on earth for so short a time.

"Friendships made in heaven never end."

(And yes, The Great Master rewarded "Cocker" by returning to him what the vet removed.)

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Islam Coexist? Muhammed said "Never!"

Islam Coexist?  Muhammed said "Never!"
Thanks al_c
"We love death. The United States loves life. That is the big difference between us." – Osama bin Laden
"I have been made victorious through terror." Muhammad, founder of Muhammadism now called Islam (Submit or Die)

Barack Obama Says He Lacks Experience To Be U.S. President

And HERE he proves it.

Obama calls it "My Muslim Faith" and This Raises More Questions

George Stephanopoulos tries to correct Obama when he says "my Muslim faith" but it wasn't a gaffe and Obama corrects Stephanopoulos. The Question is: Why say "MY Muslim faith" first? He went back to correct Stephanopoulos, but again "MY Muslim faith" was used. WHY?

Obama is to the USofA as Castro was to Cuba!

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