Reminder to 0bama and Holder Employees

COMPUTER TRESPASS---RCW 9A.52.110---Computer trespass in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of computer trespass in the first degree if the person, without authorization, intentionally gains access to a computer system or electronic database of another; and (a) The access is made with the intent to commit another crime; or (b) The violation involves a computer or database maintained by a government agency.

(2) Computer trespass in the first degree is a class C felony.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Interesting Liberal Read

Susan Estrich likes Hillary Clinton best when she whines and complains. Oh she doesn't use those words, she states:
When Hillary is the perfect candidate, the superwoman in teflon, it’s a little hard to connect. When she isn’t, when she makes a mistake, takes a hit, when her face tells you she’s ready to scream in frustration (spelling corrected by me) that the guys are never this tough on each other, a funny thing happens.

She starts looking familiar. She becomes ones of us. Just another girl trying to make it in a world that wasn’t made for her.

I know it’s wrong, but it’s when I like her best. I even imagine her sitting in a hotel room, the way I am now, beating herself up for all the things she did wrong today, and for all the things that went wrong even if she didn’t do it. You go girl! We’re with you.

But her article, if you read it, protests that she (Ms Estrich) isn't complaining all the while she's whining and complaining. Or call it commiserating. Call it whatever you want. She doth protest too much. As does Hillary Clinton, the poor victim of the rich-man's club. The woman whose "man" has to come to her rescue because she's not capable of projecting her ideas with a "man's" emphasis.

I've said she has no substance. I stand by that assessment. The woman called Hillary Rodham Clinton is not qualified to be POTUS. She has nothing in her resume' to recommend her to voters. But that's okay if you're a Democrat or a woman. Well, I'm a woman and it's not okay with me. I don't want a whiner and complainer in the White House. And I certainly do not think that the Hill & Bill TEAM need a THIRD TERM as POTUS.

I will say this in Bill Clinton's favor: When the questioner asked or stated that "9-11" was an inside job, he retorted back, "How Dare You. How Dare You." Those are the words which reverberate across the USofA and hopefully are the final words on that subject.

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Islam Coexist? Muhammed said "Never!"

Islam Coexist?  Muhammed said "Never!"
Thanks al_c
"We love death. The United States loves life. That is the big difference between us." – Osama bin Laden
"I have been made victorious through terror." Muhammad, founder of Muhammadism now called Islam (Submit or Die)

Barack Obama Says He Lacks Experience To Be U.S. President

And HERE he proves it.

Obama calls it "My Muslim Faith" and This Raises More Questions

George Stephanopoulos tries to correct Obama when he says "my Muslim faith" but it wasn't a gaffe and Obama corrects Stephanopoulos. The Question is: Why say "MY Muslim faith" first? He went back to correct Stephanopoulos, but again "MY Muslim faith" was used. WHY?

Obama is to the USofA as Castro was to Cuba!

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