Letter sent to Sens McConnell and Kyle and Reps Boehner and Cantor as Republican Leadership in Senate and House.
A new day is dawning in the Republican Party. The RNC has elected its first Roman Catholic, Pro-Life, Chair. And he happens to be black. Unlike the Democrats, he was elected because of who he is and what he stands for and not because of the color of his skin. It's a proud day for Republicans.
What this means for Republicans is that we can now stand firm on a Traditionally Conservative Agenda. The new RNC leadership will lead the way. It is up to Republicans in Congress to close ranks with the RNC and stand strong, shoulder to shoulder, supporting what is good and right and just about the USofA.
Please get the Senate Republicans to stand together and vote against the current administrations attempts to 'bail out' or 'stimulate' the Economy. Please get Republicans to stand together against the current administration placing in positions of power (Cabinet, et al) Democrats who have checkered backgrounds (at best) and have broken the laws of the land with impunity and are allowed a "mea culpa" out of legal action.
Please counter the current administration with the facts about the cost of the various Bills and who eventually gets the money. Try to get this information into the Congressional Record. Please bring to the forefront all the facts about candidates the current administration brings to Congress for positions of power. Try to get this into the Congressional Record. (Cabinet now, Judicial later.)
It is a new day and a good day for Republicans. If Republicans in Congress will stand together against the current administration's Bills, any failure of those Bills will rest solely on the shoulders of the Democrats and the current administration. If a failure cannot be blamed on "bi-partisanship" and from there on the Republicans, the voters will have to face the fact that "it's Obama's fault."
It is the right time for Republicans to vote against Democrat initiated Bills. It is the right time for Republicans to say "no" to requests for adding a Republican name to a Democrat Bill to make it "bi-partisan." Please remind those Republicans who are infamous for "bi-partisanship" that NOW is not the time to play with the Democrats. There will be time later, but for right now, for at least the first 100 days of the current administration, the Republicans would do well to allow all the Bills in Congress to be passed (if they are) solely by Democrats with no Republican votes.
Thank you,
PS: http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=87622 I would ask Republicans in Congress to "recuse" themselves (if at all possible) in an effort to have any legal action taken against Congress for not vetting the Democrat President fall entirely at the feet of the Democrat Party, the DNC and Democrats in Congress. This Lawsuit should be allowed to be brought before the Court and the Democrats, DNC, and Democrats in Congress should have to answer the charges.