I was sitting in the backyard at my son's home talking to him while he smoked and fried turkeys for Thanksgiving and the thought hit me that Islam doesn't understand the USofA well enough to subdue the entire Nation.
There are some people who for reasons of their own seek to undermine the strength of the USofA. And the USofA has a lot of strengths. We're an intelligent bunch of people who've taken Western Civilization to heights not even dreamed of by those alive a thousand years ago or even a hundred years ago or even fifty years ago.
My own dear grandparents started life in a horse-drawn buggy and before they passed away had flown in a jet airplane. Think about that for a while. The USofA has made humongous gi-normous strides in every field of study. Chemistry, electronics, medicine, psychiatry, . . . just to name a few, . . . have grown and branched out into additional fields of study because the USofA doesn't stop to rest on her laurels. She (the USofA) continues to grow and expand and push the limits of imagination into the realm of reality.
I'm not going to name or list the geniuses we've paid homage to in the USofA, just google and find them on your own. This is not about them, it's about us.
Islam aka Mohammedanism is a school of thought based on the ramblings of a man who became a "tribal leader" and then did what some men who attain a certain amount of booty do. He became full of himself. He placed himself above all others. In his own mind, he became 'the perfect human' above which and beside which there would be no other.
But he forgot one little thing. The most important thing failed to cognate between the hemispheres of his noggin. He forgot that he would grow old and die and would no longer be the 'leader' of the tribe.
Because he became conceited and set himself above all laws both written on parchment and on the hearts of humans, he started doing things which he knew were wrong morally and ethically. To vindicate himself, he dictated at length the reasons he was allowed to break any and all laws as he broke them. And to additionally place the stamp of approval on himself, Muhammad claimed that what he said was from god and could not be changed, ever.
There-in lies the key to understanding Islam for what it truly is. The early writings, as I understand, were explanations about daily life and how to get along with the neighboring tribes who didn't believe in Muhammad or his god. The writings or sayings of Muhammad which were written before he became a tribal chief are interspersed in the Koran (which is not set down chronologically but rather by the length of the narrative) with later sayings where he was trying to vindicate himself for his actions.
Due to many pagan doctrines which 'tribal chief' Muhammad had incorporated into his belief system so that he could destroy, kill, rape and steal from others thereby becoming a wealthy tribal chief, Muhammad himself drifted away from the ideal of his own cultural and religious system.
Islam is not only without laughter, Muhammad is responsible for making it a laughing-stock in the realm of religious and cultural ideology. Those who follow the Koran and suras follow a marred philosophy. The dogma of Islam has been flawed by Muhammad himself when his sayings attempted to justify his illicit behaviors.
Muhammad may have started his own religion and culture but he failed to incorporate his own code of ethics into his personal life once he became a tribal chief with the ability to wage war.
Because there are enough intelligent people in the USofA who can 'see through' the illusion of Islam to the core of its deformed ethic, Muhammadans will never be able to over-run the entire Country.